Conflicts - Emma

Squatted houses was a social phenomenon that affected the entire German capital, albeit in different ways. First West Berlin (80's) and then East Berlin (90's). In »
Squatted houses was a social phenomenon that affected the entire German capital, albeit in different ways. First West Berlin (80's) and then East Berlin (90's). In »
Gender as kaleidoscope. Reflecting on an urban exploration 19.09.20 As we started not-so-aimlessly walking North through the backstreets branching from Hauptstraße, Luismi and I »
On 19 September 2020 we started a new URLab dedicated to investigate the neighbourhood of Schöneberg in Berlin. The laboratory is part of Collaborative Atlases for »
Discovering Mexico City from scratch, the first element to emerge evidently is the theme of water, (or its absence / disappearance). Mexico City is built on a »
City of Culture / City of Signs / Welfare City Para poder hablar de lo urbano en la CDMX hay que retomar la idea de que la ciudad »
Exercises in urban reconnaissance Mexico City UNAM, November 7/8 2018 *Report in progress * The workshop of Urban Reconnaissance at UNAM developed during two days, divided »
During the 2nd week of the Attractive Cities summer school held at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Jim Macneil organised an Urban Reconnaissance workshop with Chiara Vitrano »
The first Urban Reconnaissance Lab of the EULER - Switch On Mehringplatz program took place on October 27, dedicated to the exercise City of Commons. The »
The node of ‘latent city’ relates to the unrealised, dormant, absent in cityscape. Most often this is read as transformative capital, perceiving a vacant or derelict »
On the third day of the UR-lab in Roseau, the city walk happened in the most favourable conditions to capture a full picture of the city »
Following the participants roaming across Vienna we tried to keep an eye to the exercise Ruled City. We searched for evidence of norms and rules regulating »
Divided city in regard of collaborative interaction Drawing conclusions from the walk we did during the Workshop I would say Vienna is a quite homogenic city »
For the walk I regarded as Nature City anything alive or traces of living beings – apart from humans. I took heaps of images (around 300), tried »
The city is a cooperative environment. It presumes synergies between different aims, coordination between multiple activities, harmonizing procedures and ruled behavior in order to function and »
The city is a place of transit. Ontologically entwined with the aspiration for settlement and permanence, its very nature is that of a hub of living »
Property City We reach the Station square and we stop in front of the huge billboard advertising the disputed project for the Belgrade waterfront. Ksenija tells »
City of Memory Thinking of the proposed theme ‘city of memory’ and its definition, one of the places that stroke me the most in the city, »
City of Knowledge Walking few meters up a ramp we get to a to a vacant lot bounded by fences, where remnants of the foundation of »
Sunday October 4th We were pleased to find a good number of participants despite the early hour on Sunday morning. Along the way, Lorenzo will read »
Workshop coordinated by Lorenzo Tripodi, Laura Colini, Manuela Conti in the context of Transeuropa Festival. October 1/4 2015 With the participation of Beatriz Cantinho, Luigi »
Workshop coordinated by Lorenzo Tripodi and Dennis Pohl during ReLearn 15 Summer school at Zinneke. (Due to a crash on the server the content of this »
Teaser for the Urban Reconnaissance EXhibition. A first study for a video installation introducing the project. Soundtrack by Infrason »