Love & Commons

What is love in the city? And how is it expressed in the commons of the city – shared spaces, resources, principles? Let’s put on a »
What is love in the city? And how is it expressed in the commons of the city – shared spaces, resources, principles? Let’s put on a »
On 19 September 2020 we started a new URLab dedicated to investigate the neighbourhood of Schöneberg in Berlin. The laboratory is part of Collaborative Atlases for »
Urlab#3_Mehringplatz Switch On visit Prinzessinnengarten with Marco Clausen »
City of memory, memory as a commons. Like in many other areas of Berlin, the presence of “memory” in Mehringplatz is amplified by its absence in »
OPEN The design of the plaza of Mehringplatz suggests an open space where people from outside the plaza can come together, or the people living around »
The first Urban Reconnaissance Lab of the EULER - Switch On Mehringplatz program took place on October 27, dedicated to the exercise City of Commons. The »
Na’aman Hirschfeld is an Israeli historian living in Berlin. This interview is the first in a series constituting the project about:berlin, aimed at investigating »
Reconnoitering Berlin #1 The city as a lymphatic system. The Liquid City dèrive will explore the impact of water in determining the identity and the morphology »
Released the first graphic work of the series Reconnoitering Berlin. This is the first issue of a project foreseeing one dedicated artwork for each of the »
While completing the publication online of the Exercises in Urban Reconnaissance, we are happy to announce the opening of a new phase of the project. Reconnoitering »