Milano Isola. City of Signs

During the 2nd week of the Attractive Cities summer school held at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Jim Macneil organised an Urban Reconnaissance workshop with Chiara Vitrano »
During the 2nd week of the Attractive Cities summer school held at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Jim Macneil organised an Urban Reconnaissance workshop with Chiara Vitrano »
Nadia has not chosen one single exercise but rather composed her mix of suggested perspectives to focus on the surface of the city. The resulting gaze »
It took time, but in the end someone of the participants to the Milan Docucity workshop found her way to the final goal, that is arriving »
Working on the material substance of the city, Chiara had an awesome intuition working with a magnifying lens. As she writes in her comment, using an »
Exercise: Start from a condition of total isolation, alone in a dark and silent room: concentrate on your body. Think of it as unit of measurement, »
Exercise: Cross the city from centre to periphery; look for all those manifestations that appear spontaneous, unplanned, that exist outside of formal rules and regulations: squatting, »
Among the outcomes of the workshop in Milan, a suggestion for a new exercise that still is not included in the index of the project: Edible »
May 13-15 in Milan, during the Docucity Festival we coordinated the first Urban Reconnaissance Workshop employing the Exercises as a methodological tool. We adopted the general »